Clinic Inventory Management

Clinic Inventory Management
Medicine bottles. Image Courtesy:

MyOPD just released its latest release which assists Doctors in Clinic Inventory Management. While not all Doctors need such a solution, there are a lot of Doctors who dispense medicines in-house. It is a common practice in case of certain General Physicians in India as well as Ayurved, Unani and Homeopathy Practitioners.

One of the issues with clinic is checking the stock of medicines in the clinic and replenishing the stock when the quantity of medicine goes below a certain level. MyOPD allows Doctors to easily track these numbers, thereby increasing their productivity.

Doctors can prescribe medicines and adjust their stock level while prescribing. This helps in keeping track of medicines which need to be refilled in the clinic and thereby reducing the time spent in medicine stock management.

What can be tracked?

  • Tablet / Capsule count in clinic
  • Medicines dispensed in milliliters (ML)
  • Medicines dispensed in bottles
  • Medicines dispensed in sachets
  • Count of pills dispensed

So what are you waiting for? Start you free trial on MyOPD by signing up HERE

Get on to a never ending journey of using technology and get the MyOPD Experience.

About MyOPD: MyOPD is a Software for Doctors in India. You are always welcome to see ifMyOPD satisfies your requirement. You can download the software directly from and try it out. Drop a mail to [email protected]and we will be happy to help.

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