How to handle Online Consultation In addition to regular clinic?

Online Consultation provides below direct advantages to the Doctors:

  1. Helps to get new patients who end up looking for you on the internet
  2. Helps to avoid unnecessary visits of existing patients
  3. Provides a formal mechanism for patients to pay and consult for services which don’t require seeing the patient.

In this post, we provide ways in which Online Consultation can be used by Doctors using MyOPD Software Platform:

How to make best use of online consultation clinic platform for your own benefit?

# 1: Health questions from your own patients via Online Consultation

Many Doctors are troubled by consistent questions from their patients over WhatsApp. Not answering them also creates an incorrect impression.
How about having a way where you direct your patients to a platform where you can answer them and also get paid?

Start telling your patients to contact you via your own Online Consultation Clinic when they have questions about their health. It is always better that our patients contact their trusted Doctor than someone else on the internet for their regular questions.

# 2: Discussing Investigation Reports

Many times, patients have to just discuss the investigation reports with Doctors. If no clinical examination of the patient is required, you can ask such patients to discuss them in the online consultation clinic instead of regular clinic. This way, patient can avoid a visit to the clinic and continue with the modified treatment based on the PDF prescription you share from MyOPD Software.

# 3: Consulting your own patients who are traveling

We don’t realize, however, many of our existing patients keep traveling and getting sick. It is always better for them to get in touch with their existing Doctor for their complaints. You can offer online consultation to such patients who need your help while they are away from your city.

Can I see a working demo of Online Consultation Clinic?

Please check:

How to setup Online Consultation Clinic?

Setup your online consultation clinic by following steps given at: Setting up Online Consultation Clinic – MyOPD™ Updates

How to inform patients about Online Consultation Clinic?

Patients can be informed about online consultation clinic by using ways given in article Informing Patients about Online Consultation – MyOPD™ Updates

Should I charge for Online Consultation Clinic?

Yes. We see that people who charge for service are serious about the service. So you should charge.

Based on the charges you set, MyOPD collects the patient’s payments using Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking / UPI and settles them into your account after deducting the payment gateway charges. MyOPD does not earn money for your consultations.

Should I have Online Consultation Clinic time separate than my regular clinic time?

  1. It is better to have a separate time if possible. You can have a dedicated 30 minute slot at a minimum.
  2. This way, you will know for sure that online consultations have to be done in that dedicated time rather than juggling them during the busy clinic hours.
  3. MyOPD books online appointments on first come first serve basis. Patients are added to a online queue. This way, Doctors get free once all the patients for online consultation are done.

Where will I see the online consultation appointments?

  1. Currently, you will receive an email when patients book an appointment. Plus, you will see them in your online profile at Profile -> My Online Profile in MyOPD Windows Application.
  2. Soon you will start seeing online consultation appointments in the newly developed MyOPD Desktop companion app.

What are you waiting for? Supercharge your practice with online consultation clinic!


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How to handle Online Consultation In addition to regular clinic? Read More »