December 2021

MyOPD Clinic and Hospital Software – Year 2021 in Review

2021 – Year in Review

Here we present important changes done in MyOPD Software over the course of the year. There are many more improvements than these, however, these are the most important ones. Surely take a look!

Improvements in Clinic Software – OPD Portion of Software

  • Doctor’s software
    • Patient Consent Forms (OPD + IPD): Doctors can now design Consent forms in Microsoft Word and add patient details to the forms with a click of a button. Consent forms are especially useful during Daycare OPD Procedures or certain important examinations. Read more about consent forms at:
    • Covid 19 Certificate Generation: MyOPD now allows Doctors to give Covid-19 certificate to patients. This additional option is present under the regular Medical Certificate option.
    • Referral Return Note: Like a referral note which Doctors write to refer a patient to another Doctor, the Thank you note allows Doctors to send a Thank you to the referring Doctor. Doctor can communicate about the status of the referred patient to the referring Doctor. Doctors can give this note to the Patient who takes it back to the referring Doctor.
    • Lab Requisition Note: Lab requisition note allows Doctors to specifically print the investigations such as Lab / X-Ray / Ultrasound to be done along with the laboratory name and address. This allows patients to locate the lab easily and specifically handover the lab requisition note to the Lab without handing over the Prescription.
    • On Demand Online Backup: Earlier versions of MyOPD backed up data only after a 24 hour interval. This caused issues when Doctors had to urgently change PCs or their hardware engineers wanted to do format. Now, Doctors can take an online backup of data at any time, whenever they want, at a click of a button increasing the frequency of backups.
    • Patient Name Titles: Allow Patient name titles like Mr / Mrs / Miss / Mast and print them on Rx.
    • Print Charts on Rx: Patient’s charts for Blood Pressure, HBA1C, BSL, Sr. Creatinine etc based on latest values entered in the software can be printed on Rx. This helps patients to stick to the medicines once they know that the condition is in control based on the medicines given. See sample prescription at
    • Campaign SMS for Patients: Campaign SMS for patients are back. Doctors can use these SMS to notify patients about – Availability / Non-availability of Doctor, Change in address of clinic, Change in timings of clinic etc. Read more about the current status of SMS sent via MyOPD
    • Online Payments and Teleconsultation Booking Feature: Doctors can now accept payments from their patients by sharing a payment link with them. Patients pay using Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking. Patients can also book teleconsultation appointments with Doctors.
    • Improved Medicine Inventory & Reporting of medicines used: Better reports generated for used medicines.
  • Reception Version Improvements
    • Add scanned Documents from Reception: Documents like X-Rays, Reports can now be scanned and added directly from the Reception so that the time of Doctor is saved. Doctors can just review them once the patient is with them. Read more at
    • Capture Payment Methods: Reception staff can now capture payment methods like UPI / Debit Card / Credit Card. The same is reflected in the improved reporting of Income and  Expenses in the software.
    • Print Token Number on Visit Paper: Patient’s number in Queue can now be printed on the Visit paper. This helps to identify the patient when the Reception staff calls out the number for next patient.
    • Online Payment from Reception: Patients can pay using Debit Card / Credit Card etc by receiving a payment link. Reception can ask the patient to pay using the received link on mobile phone.

Improvements in Hospital Software – IPD Portion of Software

  • IPD Section improvements
    • Access Control: Allow / Disallow certain features in the product to your staff based on the login.
    • Daily Income Report: Allows Doctors to view OPD Consultation Charges, OPD Procedure / Service Charges, Laboratory Charges, Total OPD Collection with Discount, Total IPD Collection with Discount under one report for the entire day.
    • Custom IPD Admission Numbering system: Allows you to define your own Admission number for a patient. Choice from predefined formats given. So the admission number could be something like 2021/04/GNY/001
    • Backdated entry of Admission of patient & discharge: Entry of patient admitted on an old date and discharged on an old date can be done. The bill will be generated correctly based on the old date of admission and discharge. This helps cases which are not entered during busy schedule.
    • Mark Daily Billed Services: Certain services which are marked for daily billing get automatically billed for the number of days the patient is admitted. No need to enter them repeatedly every day. Saves a lot of time during the final bill generation of hospital.
    • Enter frequency of Services: Things like Units of O2 consumed, Number of time Nebulization was given can be added along with service. The bill gets calculated based on the number of times service was provided.
    • Daily Bed Allocation Report improvements: Allows to view the Daily bed allocation and the consultant against whom the patient is admitted.
    • Variable Bed Charges: In case your Bed charges are not fixed, the staff can enter the bed charges at the time of billing. 

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Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

MyOPD Clinic and Hospital Software – Year 2021 in Review Read More »

E-prescription – 4 ways to create one quickly using MyOPD Software

Creating an E Prescription quickly is one of the most important functionalities of any clinic management software. In this article, we will see how Doctors can save time while creating an E Prescription using MyOPD Clinic Management Software.

1. Reuse Previous Doses

When a medicine is prescribed, over a period of time, there are set doses using which it can be issued. Like BD, TDS and so on. When you start using MyOPD Software, MyOPD remembers your previous doses for the medicine. You can simply reuse the medicine along with its entire dose to avoid re-entering it all over again.

Below figure explains this technique:

2. Copy Previous Rx

Copy Previous Rx method is especially useful in case of Chronic Patients. In such cases, the entire Rx from previous visit has to be repeated with minor modifications. MyOPD Software allows to repeat the previous visit Rx in one click. Doctors can then make certain changes like

  • Deleting a medicine that is no more required
  • Replacing a medicine that doesn’t suit with another one
  • Adding more medicines to the list of already existing medicines

Below figure explains this technique:

3. Medicine Templates

At times, certain medical conditions / Diagnosis have fixed treatment plans. MyOPD allows Doctors to define medicine templates linked with Diagnosis so that they can be used to enter quickly. This allows entry of entire medicine list, which may contain say 5 or 10 medicines, in a couple of clicks. This saves immense time because the medicines need not be entered one after the another, one by one.

Below figure explains this technique:

4. Selectively use previous medicines from past Rx

At times, there is a case where Doctors have to repeat selectively medicines given in the past visits. MyOPD allows Doctors to view all such medicines in one view and select them as required.

The entire medicine along with its dose is copied so that the Doctor does not have to keep entering it all over again.

Below figure explains this technique:

How long does it take to create an E-Prescription?

Now that we know all the techniques used by the Doctors while operating MyOPD Clinic Software, how long does it really take to create a single E Prescription?

There is an initial effort involved. In the initial stage, when the medicine list is not setup up and the doses are not added, the time taken will be more.

For a Doctor who has added all medicines and medicine doses in the software, it takes roughly 3.5 minutes to create an entire prescription. It is that simple.

Watch this video explaining the benefits using a single prescription

E-Prescription based Clinic Management System

To understand in detail each and every section of E-Prescription shown in the above video, read Clinic Management System – 5 Advantages explained with a single prescription!

About MyOPD: MyOPD is a Software for Doctors. Start your FREE Trial today! You can download the software directly from or Google Playstore at Drop a mail to [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

E-prescription – 4 ways to create one quickly using MyOPD Software Read More »