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Add Scanned Documents via Reception Desk

< 1 min read

Patients often visit Doctors with multiple reports like – X-Rays, Lab Reports and so on.

Lab Report

This article explains steps to be taken by reception staff to add photos prior to the patient seeing the Doctor.

On Reception Device, do the following:

  1. Scan the photo / document using a scanner or if you are using the Reception version on tablet, take a photo directly from the tablet.
  2. You can also download the PDF report sent by lab over email on the reception device.
  3. Add the patient to the Queue of Waiting Patients.
  4. In the list of Queued Patients, click the Set option in Visit Details column for the patient.
  5. In the form that opens, click the Add Document button to choose the document from Reception Device and add it to the patient’s case.

When the patient sees the Doctor, list of Documents added by reception staff are loaded for the Doctor in the software.

This is a great time saver for the Doctor.

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