July 2021

MyOPD EMR Software – Customer reviews

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) for Global Clients

MyOPD Software Reviews from clients Globally

What Doctors say about using MyOPD Clinic Software for Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
Here are #reviews from our clients across countries. And yes, they all are still our active customers!

Looking for an #EMR that is pocket friendly and still gives you the best?

We are happy that what some of our clients have said 3 years back about our after sales support, still holds true for a review done by our client 2 weeks back!

Download the free trial of MyOPD Clinic Software Today at www.myopd.in

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Doctor Web Page

Each Doctor associated with MyOPD Software gets an Online Web Page. Checkout a sample webpage for Dr. Sample Test Doctor.

This webpage is useful to:

  • Display name and Practice details
  • Display clinic timings
  • Accept Teleconsultation appointment bookings
  • Show Services provided in the Clinic
  • Allow patients to email you directly from the web page

With this, you really don’t need a website for showing basic details to your patients. The information displayed on this page can be edited by Doctors by managing their web profile through a login.

Team MyOPD works behind the scene to ensure the smooth functioning of your web page.

How many times was your page viewed?

MyOPD also gives you a monthly report of how times was your page viewed. Helps you to understand how many people are actively seeking information about you using myopd.in website.

Doctor Web Page Read More »

Subscription Plan Price Revision

Subscription Plan Price Change for Windows plus Android version


Please note, prices of our MyOPD Windows version Subscription plans have increased. These include MyOPD Doctor only version and Doctor plus Reception version for OPD purpose.

Our existing prices along with various pricing options are available at:

Interested in Old Price?

You can still take benefit of old prices using the below links to purchase the subscription plan.

Doctor only version old price for current year: https://rzp.io/l/KpHJSix

Doctor plus Reception version old price for current year: https://rzp.io/l/HR4vRG3w

Please note: Old price will be available only for current year. From the next year, changed price will be applicable.

Compare the benefits of Subscription Plan vs One Time Plan MyOPD One-Time Plan vs Subscription Plan

Interested in Free trial of MyOPD Clinic Software? Try Before you buy. Visit www.myopd.in to download your free trial.

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Teleconsultation Appointment Booking with MyOPD

MyOPD allows Doctors to accept teleconsultation appointment booking on our website. Read why Doctors should be aware of 5 Reasons to use Teleconsultation in the clinic.

With MyOPD, Doctors can

  • Configure availability for teleconsultation
  • Set charges for teleconsultation
  • Share their webpage link with Patients

Patients then use the booking link to schedule time with the Doctor. Doctors see a list of patients waiting to be teleconsulted on a particular day. Doctors then use either WhatsApp video Call, Skype of Google Duo to provide teleconsultation.

Using MyOPD Software, Doctors can create a great looking teleconsultation prescription which can be shared with the patient over WhatsApp.

Images below explain the process for both Doctors and patients.

To get an idea of how this feature works, watch the appointment booking feature in action at Sample Test Doctor

Interested? Get in touch

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Teleconsultation – 5 Reasons you need to start doing it.

Teleconsultation has now become an important tool in the Doctor’s Practice.

Here are 5 important reasons why Doctors should employ Teleconsultation as a part of their practice:

Reason # 1: Chronic Patients reports follow-up

Chronic patients often have to show investigations reports to Doctors regularly. With cities going into lockdowns and coming out of lockdowns, it becomes difficult for patients to travel to the Doctor’s clinic merely to show reports and get their opinion on continuation of the same treatment or change in treatment. A quick teleconsultation call can help the patient share the reports with Doctor and save time for both, the Doctor and the patient.

Reason # 2: Out station patients’ visits

Many specialist Doctors in metro often cater to out station patients. With travel restrictions in place and in view of patient safety, if teleconsultation can be an option to review the case of such chronic patients, why not consider this option? It is again a timesaver for both the Doctor and the patient.

Reason # 3: Avoid senior citizen patients at clinic

Unless and otherwise required to see in person, aged patients who fall under the chronic patient category would love the teleconsultation option. They won’t have to book a cab or auto or drive to the Doctor’s clinic and risk being exposed under the pandemic situation.

Reason # 4: Entertaining queries from patients in free time

Many of your existing patients also have queries which if their own Doctor can answer can help them. Having a talk with them via teleconsultation in your free time helps them get the right answers to their questions rather than relying on random information over the internet.

Reason # 5: The ease of doing teleconsultation in today’s times

Gone are the days when Doctors had to worry and think about how they would do teleconsultation and how would the patients pay. Multiple companies now provide Doctors with options to teleconsultation quite effectively. We at MyOPD also allow Doctors to accept appointment bookings from patients who want to engage in teleconsultation with the Doctor. If you want more information, feel free to Contact Us.

Teleconsultation – 5 Reasons you need to start doing it. Read More »