September 2015

Changing EMR Software

So you are thinking of migrating your existing software to a newer software.

You should talk to your new vendor to see how much of existing data can be transferred to the new EMR. Your new software should be able to capture all or part of existing –

  • Patient Details (Name, Address, Phone number) 
  • One or more visits for Patient
  • Existing Drug Database
  • Prescription for each Visit
  • Investigations recommended in each visit along with investigation reports for those investigations
  • Charges
  • Procedures done on Patient

Steps in Migration 

  1. Provide Existing Sample Data: You would have to provide sample data from your existing software so that the import to new software can be verified. Existing sample data can be in a XML or CSV format
  2. Developing Migration Software: Based on your existing sample data, a migration software can be developed. You may be charged by your new vendor for this activity.
  3. Migration Verification: Once the migration of sample data completes, you should be able to see old data in the form of new software. Make sure the data provided matches exactly with what was provided. For e.g: Patient details (Name, Date of birth etc) should be exactly the same in the new software. Visit Dates, Prescriptions for visits should match. Consider matching random details for patient by comparing existing and new software. If you find a mismatch, ask the vendor to correct it. If it cannot be corrected, get satisfactory explanation on why it cannot be corrected. Understand the risk of not having certain items transferred to the new software.

Once you are fully satisfied that the data can be successfully migrated, let go of your old software. Till then, you can keep using it if data is important to you.

Post Migration Support

Check if the team helping you with migration is capable of providing you post migration support. This is important as you may hit an unforeseen issue as a result of migration activity. In such situation, you need a helping hand with you.

In the end, you don’t want to pay for migration services only to discover few months down the line that the migration did not happen properly and shows wrong data for your patients.

You can consider getting data from your existing software to MyOPD. Get in touch with us to find more about how this can be done.

So what are you waiting for? Start you free trial on MyOPD by signing up HERE

About MyOPD: MyOPD is a Software for Doctors in India. You are always welcome to see ifMyOPD satisfies your requirement. You can download the software directly from and try it out. Drop a mail to [email protected]and we will be happy to help.

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Dermatology Software

Why would Dermatologists need a Dermatology Software? Let’s see.

One of the challenges Dermatologists face is, the prescription is very descriptive. It is detailed and contains lots of instructions for the patient.

Writing these instructions for each medicine, over and over, for every patient is a tedious task. Want to change?

Enter MyOPD. Here we give you a quick and fast way to issue prescription without much hassle. Patients get benefited by understanding well written printed prescriptions which also increase patient’s comfort level with you.

Here is one such sample prescription generated from MyOPD Dermatology Software:

Dermatology Prescription software
Example Prescription for Dermatologists

As you can see, additional instructions for medicine, along with times at which the medicine should be taken can be printed using MyOPD Software. Plus, there are ways to print this prescription really super fast to save your time.

So what are you waiting for? Start you free trial on MyOPD by signing up HERE

Get on to a never ending journey of using technology and get the MyOPD Experience. Get in touch with us if you have additional questions.

About MyOPD: MyOPD is a Software for Doctors in India. You are always welcome to see ifMyOPD satisfies your requirement. You can download the software directly from and try it out. Drop a mail to [email protected]and we will be happy to help.

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