As the SARS-COV2 progresses, many Doctors are engaged in telephonic consultation.
We guide you through the basic steps using which you can work with patient in this situation using MyOPD Windows version or Android app version.
Step 1: Video Calling
Doctors in India can use any of the popular apps like Google Duo or WhatsApp Video or Skype call to consult a patient. These are currently allowed as per the NITI Aayog’s telemedicine guideline. While Doctors abroad can also use these apps, please check if the respective governments do not mind using these apps for online consultation.
Below are the instructions given to share Rx for Windows version. If you are using MyOPD ZIP Android app, please scroll to the next section to follow instructions for the Android app.
Step 2 for Sharing Rx over WhatsApp or Email in Windows Version
Once you document the case in the MyOPD Windows version software, you can share Rx as a PDF with the patient over Email / Whataspp.
2.1 Setup Signature:
Prior to sending Rx with your patient, you need to setup your signature in the app and then send the Rx to the patients.
Read the steps to share Rx here:
2.2 Generate PDF for sharing:
Generate PDF to be shared with the patient.
Please follow the steps given here:
Also, for Doctors who want to share payment QR code over the generated PDF, use Option 3 given in the steps above.
Step 2 for Sharing Rx over WhatsApp or Email in MyOPD ZIP Android version
If you are using the Android app version, please follow the steps given here:
If you have any issues while using any of these features, get in touch with us over WhatsApp on +91-91683-26023 or mail us at [email protected].
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash