Here are the available options to purchase MyOPD ZIP:
Option 1 => Starter Pack: No monthly, annual charges.
Starter Pack allows Doctors to:
- Capture Patient Medical Data: Capture Complaints, Vitals (Height, Weight, BP, BSL and much more), Clinical Findings, Investigations, Diagnosis, Rx, Advice to Patient, Follow-up Date.
- Add Medicines: Add your own medicines as you practice. Get suggestions on reusing the same medicine. Group multiple medicines together to prescribe in one tap using the template feature. Copy Medicines and conditions from last visit to avoid entry time.
- Print/Share a professional looking Rx: Print the Rx for Patient on plain paper or your own letter head.
- Rx in Multiple Languages: Print/Share Rx instructions in the language of your patient. MyOPD ZIP currently supports these languages – English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Odia, Arabic and Urdu. Patients understand the Rx better with the language they know best.
- Print/Share Referral Letter: In case you have to Refer the Patient to other Doctor.
- Print/Share Medical Certificate: Print a professional looking leave of absence certificate for the patients.
- Unlimited Patients: No limit on the number of patients you can enter
- One visit per patient: So you can enter a new visit and check the details of the last visit of patient. Referral Letter or Medical Certificate issued in latest visit of a patient will be stored.
- Works offline: Continuous internet connectivity is not required. Works offline too.
- One time payment: Simple pricing. Payments processed by Google and are entirely safe. No hidden charges. No monthly or annual charges. Use as much as you want for the features we support under Starter Pack.
- Excellent Memory management: MyOPD ZIP handles space smartly. You can easily enter around 10,000 patients typed data without an issue.
- Handle Device change: Allows you to change your device without buying the app again. Please note though, your data is backed up on secure cloud only when you go online. So ensure the old data is backed up before the change of device. In any case, changing one’s phone or tablet is a once in a year activity.
Option 2 => Premium Pack: No monthly, annual charges
For Doctors who want more. Premium Pack has everything in Starter Pack Plus:
- Unlimited Visits per Patient: Store every encounter with the patient. See all previous visit details with Premium Pack. Starter Pack stores latest visit only.
- Vital Trends: View trend charts for Blood Pressure, BSLs, Height, Weight, Sr. Creatinine and more…
- Capture Patient Photos: Before and After photos can be added and searched with ease. With a tap, new patients can be shown similar cases handled in the past.
- Attach PDFs: Documents you get from labs can be easily added against the patient. Please note, photos and documents take more space than regular details entered by typing.
- Outstanding Payments: Doctors lose a lot of money because they don’t whom they have given credit. Do not let this happen
- Print/Share Payment Receipts: Create Itemised Receipts based on Services rendered in the clinic – Consultation, Dressing, Vaccination etc.
- Send SMS Reminders with Phone SIM: Remind your patients at the right time of vaccination, ultrasound or a check-up. Get complete control by choosing the SIM you want to use for sending SMS. Note: SMS are sent a day before the actual date of Follow-up. So when you are testing this feature with trial, enter the Follow-up date 2 days later.
- Group SMS: Group patients and send them a common update via SMS.
MyOPD ZIP turns your phone or tablet into a powerhouse which is put to real use in your area of expertise.
How to Buy?
Tap on ‘Get Premium‘ button within MyOPD ZIP App. Choose the right version. Complete the payment using Credit/Debit Card or Net Banking.
Should you have any questions, simply reply back to this email.
Our contact details for your reference are:
Email: [email protected]
Finally, we would like to thank you for giving us an opportunity to service you.
If you are not interested in future emails from us, simply reply back stating so. We will not bother you again.
Tap below to check if you are using the latest updated app.
Thank you,
Team MyOPD
Is clouding patient data available to third party ? How much is my data safe?I am bothered about sharing my pt. data, photographs to others. You mentioned we can enter 10.000 pt. data without much problem.what will happen if data exceeds that number?Is photograph facility available in starter pack?
Hi Dr. Patil, cloud data is stored securely on servers of Google and Amazon. These servers are world class in their category. We do not share your data to any 3rd party.
10,000 patient limit was just mentioned as a safety net when we launched the software. There is no limit anymore.
The photographs you add are never stored at our end. They are backed up in your own Google Drive. So you should not be worried about that at all as long as you keep your Google account secure.
Photograph facility is not available in the starter pack.
If you have any further questions, please mail us at [email protected]
Thank you,
Team MyOPD