How good is MyOPD support?

Support Technician
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How should be the support for any product?

Let us see with an analogy of the car market in India. Maruti Suzuki is one of the most trusted car brands in India. The prime reason for that is their after sales support. They have a huge network across India which could bail you out in case of trouble, literally anywhere. However, Maruti Suzuki is famous for something else. Their cars just don’t need any support for the first few years. Those first few years happen to be typically 5+ years. Nothing happens to their cars. Isn’t that wonderful?

We believe is a simple philosophy. The best product is the one which doesn’t require you to be on the phone call with support engineer once you have started using it in full swing! Best product requires least support.

Imagine you are operating your clinic at busy hours and the software stops functioning. You need support to fix it. The time taken to fix the issue is commonly referred to as downtime. Each such downtime of the software would frustrate the Doctors.

When you work with MyOPD, you are working with a software that already has being tested for thousands of patients and their visits. You should not see any issue that would stop your working when you need MyOPD the most, during your busy OPD hours.

When you need us, simply log-in to our support ticket system and we should take care of your issue. If we ever need to look at your computer, we can do so after you share your computer screen with us. That allows us to work with you even if we are in different city.

So remove any doubts in your mind about support. The tagline of MyOPD support is – “Keeping you up and running” and we swear, we live by it.

So what are you waiting for? Join the increasing community of Doctors using MyOPD in their clinics for practice. Start you free trial by signing up HERE

About MyOPD: MyOPD is a Software for Doctors in India. You are always welcome to see ifMyOPD satisfies your requirement. You can download the software directly from and try it out. Drop a mail to [email protected]and we will be happy to help.

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