Why March is the Perfect Time for Hospital Software!

Looking to improve efficiency and boost patient satisfaction at your Clinic or Hospital using Clinic Management Software or Hospital Management Software? March might be the ideal time to invest in software solutions!

We’ve put together a short video explaining why March is a strategic time to make the switch to clinic or hospital software. In the video, we’ll cover:

  • Reduced Patient Load: March often sees a dip in patient volume, making it a smooth time to implement a new system without disrupting workflows.
  • Fresh Financial Year: Starting with software in March allows you to capture all patient and billing data seamlessly from the beginning of your new financial year.
  • Increased Efficiency: Discover how software can streamline tasks, improve staff productivity, and ultimately enhance patient care.

Click the link below to watch the video and learn more about the benefits of implementing clinic or hospital software in March:

Why March is the best time to invest in Clinic Management Software and Hospital Management Software?

Download the free trial by visiting www.myopd.in

Why March is the Perfect Time for Hospital Software! Read More »

Budget Friendly Clinic Software, Hospital Software

Are you looking for a Budget Friendly Clinic Software / Hospital Software?

Are you looking for a Clinic Software / Hospital Software that caters to your requirements without hurting your pocket?

Are you looking for a Clinic Software / Hospital Software that really works in the cases you plan to use in your Clinic / Hospital?

Budget Friendly MyOPD Clinic & Hospital Software

Checkout the budget friendly Pricing plans of MyOPD Clinic Software and Pricing Plans for MyOPD Hospital Software.

Want to use a lighter version of Clinic Software on your Android Phone / Tablet? Check MyOPD ZIP Android app.

Please note, MyOPD ZIP App works on Android Phones/Tablet and does not have the Hospital Module.

If you are interested to function with a Windows Desktop / Laptop or want to use the Hospital Module, choose MyOPD Clinic & Hospital Software Windows Version. Download Free trial of MyOPD Windows Version from our website www.myopd.in

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Appointment Booking solution for Clinic

We developed MyOPD ZIP Android app for Doctors as a simple app for Clinic Management based on Android phones. Let’s see how Appointment Booking with MyOPD ZIP will assist Doctors to simplify the Appointment booking aspect of Clinic Management.

With MyOPD ZIP, Doctors can ask allow their reception staff to book appointments for patients who call their clinic number. The best part is, your staff can operate the app from their Android phone to book appointments.

How is MyOPD ZIP different for appointment booking?

  1. Works directly on reception staff’s Android phone. No need to buy another phone for your staff to start using it.
  2. Allows staff member to book the appointment even when they are offline. When the phone goes online, the booking will be uploaded to server.
  3. Allows the Doctor to see the list of appointments on Doctor’s Android device, no matter where the Doctor is.
  4. Allows the Doctor to provide a calling number and have the staff talk to patients before giving them the appointments. The staff can be anywhere and can receive the call in clinic times or otherwise.
  5. Comes at a price that won’t hurt your pocket.

Download the free trial of MyOPD ZIP Android app from Google Playstore.

Appointment Booking solution for Clinic Read More »

Prescription Printing with Generic Names

MyOPD Clinic Software allows Doctors to print a prescription by including their generic names / generic salts in the medicine. This article will show you a sample of one such prescription.

We have already covered many sample prescriptions at https://www.myopd.in/blog/sample-prescriptions-documents/

In case you want to view Prescriptions in different languages or with multiple formats or sections in the prescription, please view the above link.

Here is a sample of prescription with Generic Salts included


This prescription can be printed on plain paper or your own letter head as well.

You can print the prescription with either Trade Name, Generic Name or Both.

Above prescription was printed using MyOPD Clinic Software’s Windows Version.

Want to print a similar prescription? Signup at https://www.myopd.in/ or Download the app on Google Play or Check Quick E-Prescription. Check the help articles of MyOPD Clinic Software. Have questions? WhatsApp Us.

Prescription Printing with Generic Names Read More »

Hello Doctor, Are people recommending you?

The Problem

An important aspect of growing your practice is having Happy Patients.

Happy Patients usually take following actions:

  • Recommend you to others
  • Leave generous reviews on your social media handles
  • Follow you / your Hospital / your clinic on Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Many times, we really don’t know if people are really recommending us to their friends. Here is one way where MyOPD Clinic and Hospital Software solves this issue for your Clinic / Hospital.

When you start using MyOPD Software, you also get an Online Web Presence page that we provide. Read more about this feature at Doctor Web Page – MyOPD™ Updates

This individual webpage for Doctors has information about Doctor’s Degree, Clinic Address, Timings and so on. We have provided an easy way for visitors to share this page with their friends and family.

This page can be easily shared via WhatsApp, Facebook and multiple other options provided.

Is Anyone sharing my page?

MyOPD provides Doctors with stats to check the page sharing activity. This way, Doctors know that their page is shared by patients. Without that, you have no idea whether your page / website is really working for you or not.

All the best!

Hello Doctor, Are people recommending you? Read More »

Why does India celebrate Doctors’ Day on 1st July?

Here is an important piece of information about Doctors’ Day.

We have an International Doctors’ Day as well which falls on 30th March of every year. Plus, Doctors’ Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries.

Doctor’s Day in India is celebrated on July 1st to honor the birth and death anniversary of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. Dr. Roy was a renowned physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, India. He was born on July 1, 1882, and passed away on the same date in 1962.

Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy made significant contributions to the field of medicine and played a vital role in the development of healthcare in India. He was instrumental in establishing various medical institutions and implementing several healthcare reforms. In recognition of his immense contributions and selfless service to society, the Government of India designated July 1st as Doctor’s Day to commemorate his achievements and express gratitude to the medical fraternity for their invaluable services to the nation.

Check the below WikiPedia article to check the date on which Doctors’ Day is celebrated in other countries.

Source: WikiPedia

Why does India celebrate Doctors’ Day on 1st July? Read More »

Super Fast way to create Discharge Summary

Hospital Staff have a hard time managing patients and creating the required documents like Hospital Bill, Discharge Card and so on.

To solve this issue, we have introduced Templatized Discharge Summaries. Many a times, the Discharge Summary is usually the same for similar type of Diagnosis. These repetitiveness of Discharge Summary is used to our benefit while creating the template. This avoids recurring entry of same data by the staff.

See how quickly a Discharge Summary can be created:

This solution just gives a way for the staff to carefully draft the Discharge Summary based on treatment course in the hospital without missing out on any details. The Discharge Summary can be freely changed from patient to patient as necessary. However, the repetitive items in the Discharge Summary can be reviewed and then kept or removed or modified based on case by case basis.


Feel free to Contact via WhatsApp.

FREE Trial

Start your FREE Trial today! You can download the software directly from https://www.myopd.in/ or Google Playstore at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.myopd.android. Please Note: Free trial is available only for the Clinic Portion of the Software. You can view Hospital Software Demos on YouTube (View YouTube Demo Playlist)

Super Fast way to create Discharge Summary Read More »

#1 Reason why Doctors don’t use Clinic Software

At MyOPD, we have been working with Doctors providing them Clinic Software since the year 2012.

While many Doctors have good intent to use a clinic software in their practice, to generate an Electronic Medical Record (EMR), only some are able to put that to actual use.

The most important reasons why Doctors are unable to use an EMR system is because they cannot keep up with the flow of patients while using the software.

At MyOPD, we are constantly working on improving the experience for our Doctors and also for easier adoption of the product for our new clients.

Do you want to change?

Watch the video below to see how a prescription is generated in 2 Minutes:


Feel free to Contact via WhatsApp.

FREE Trial

Start your FREE Trial today! You can download the software directly from https://www.myopd.in/ or Google Playstore at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.myopd.android. Drop a mail to [email protected] and we will be happy to help.

#1 Reason why Doctors don’t use Clinic Software Read More »

Remote Monitoring with MyOPD Hospital Software

MyOPD Hospital Software allows you to remotely monitor your Hospital.

Running a Hospital is no easy job. How about having the important data about your Hospital at your finger tips?

Won’t it be great if you are at a Conference and still be able to check the important aspect of your Hospital’s functioning?

That is exactly what this feature helps you achieve.

Here are some important details you can check at a glance using MyOPD Beds Hospital Software:

Accounting Overview

View the collection overview of the Hospital.

Hospital Daily Income Report

Admitted Patient List

Hospital Admitted Patient Report

Discharged Patient List

Hospital Discharged Patient Report

Remote monitoring gives helps you understand the functioning of the Hospital whether you are at home, at a conference or on a holiday.

Are you looking for Hospital Software? MyOPD Beds Hospital Software can be the reliable choice for your Hospital.

Demo videos of MyOPD Beds Hospital Software on YouTube are available at: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvf4pA7qB-L5zSLtoXiuiO8bCPQrsiuiR

Want a personal demo with our team member? Contact via WhatsApp


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Can a Hospital change its Discharge Summary?

Discharge Summary is an official document given by the Hospital to the patient or patient’s relative at the time of discharge. Here is a sample of Discharge Summary printed from MyOPD Software.

Discharge Summary is one of the most important document to possess while getting out of the Hospital for following reasons:

  • It is a summarized reference to the treatment given in the Hospital.
  • It can be used for future treatment course anywhere else.
  • It will be used for settlement of insurance bills.

Based on our experience while working with Hospitals, we have seen that Discharge Summary requires an update even after the patient is discharged from the Hospital for following reasons:

Reason # 1: Missing Details

It may happen that the Hospital Staff failed to add certain details of treatment to the Discharge Summary at the time of discharge only to realize that later.

Reason # 2: Incorrect wording

At times, choice of words adds ambiguity to the details entered in Discharge Summary. In such cases, insurance company asks the patient to get the Discharge Summary updated again removing the ambiguity.

Patients then visit the Hospital again requesting an update to the Discharge Summary.

Reason # 3: Miscellaneous changes

Any other changes that the Doctor or Hospital Staff deems required for the completeness or correctness of Discharge Summary.

How does MyOPD Hospital Software handle Discharge Summary updates?

MyOPD Hospital Software handles the updates to Discharge Summary in the following way:

  1. Allow only admin users to update the Discharge Summary:
    • This is very important. Only the admin should be able to update the Discharge Summary post the Discharge of the patient. This way, only authorized personnel can make the required changes.
  2. Capture the change reason for the update to Discharge Summary:
    • This is also an extremely IMPORTANT option. It allows the admin to capture why the Discharge Summary was updated. While viewing the updated version, this change reason is always shown.
  3. Capture admin details who updated the Discharge Summary and date time of update:
    • When the Discharge Summary is updated post discharge, MyOPD Captures the login details of the admin account responsible for making the update along with date and time.
    • This way the Hospital Admin can know which admin account changed what and when.

While using MyOPD Hospital Software, the Hospital Staff will be able to see the latest version of Discharge Summary along with the previous obsolete versions as well.

This way, we try to keep the interest of Patients as well as the Doctors in balance.

Are you looking for a Hospital Software? Check details about MyOPD Hospital Software on our homepage at www.myopd.in

Can a Hospital change its Discharge Summary? Read More »